The Magic of Climbing

You ask a kid “What is so magic about climbing?” Or skiing or surfing for that matter; and there’s a good chance they’ll say: “all of it”. There’s a lot of truth in a kid’s words. “All of it” captures it quite well.
“All of it”. It’s an answer that includes the lifestyle, the beauty of moving over rock, the terror, and joy of the conquest. Like the kid I have liked “all of it” for 3 decades now. There’s more to climbing than just the moves. A good climbing session feels like you open up a crack in reality and get to take a glimpse at a deeper meaning. It feels like magic.
So we've started asking friends: “What makes climbing magic to you?” And I received some interesting answers already: “Being out in nature. Feeling one with the elements. Finally climbing a line that seemed impossible at first. That moment when everything feels just right."
So what makes climbing feel like magic to you? Tell us on Instagram. @chalk_rebels | #climbingmagic