Co-Founder - Now Hiring!

Co-founding partner wanted for wild startup journey. Low pay, long hours, hard work. High risk of failure. Glory and recognition beyond imagination in case of success.

We have spent years perfecting the products, the vision & the CHALK REBELS brand. Now it is time to scale & we’re looking for an operator to help us do that!

You will join Francis in the day-to-day work for CHALK REBELS and will have your hand in every aspect of running the business.

In our entrepreneurial symphony, Francis composes the vision. But we need a musician who breathes life into that vision and adds their own rhythm and style.

Do you hear the calling? Then check if your personality checks the boxes below:

  • ✅ You have the ability to translate abstract ideas into tangible actions, bringing concepts to life.
  • ✅ Being organized, you appreciate a well-structured and efficiently running system.
  • ✅ You are task and detail-oriented, ensuring every aspect of a project is thoroughly managed and completed.
  • ✅ You are pragmatic, practical, and grounded in reality, capable of making sensible decisions based on logical reasoning.
  • ✅ Your work is driven by numbers, KPIs, and the challenge of meeting and exceeding these goals.
  • ✅ You possess the ability to handle day-to-day operations smoothly, anticipating and mitigating issues before they escalate.
  • ✅ You are steady, providing a constant and reliable presence in your work, ensuring stability and trustworthiness.
  • ✅ You breathe marketing and live sales. You're fully immersed in strategies, results, and growth.
  • Customer interaction is your forte, to the point where you find joy in resolving client needs in your dreams.

Still here? Great!

Compensation is results-based. Equity available. Location is remote-first within Europe. Non-climbers need not apply. Entrepreneurial spirit wanted. Ticking the boxes above required.

DM us on Instagram or email at info@chalkrebels.com if you’re interested.

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