Real dirtbags don't pay retail.
Do you care about preserving our climbing environment? Is your social media sauce hot & spicy? Are your sends sick, sticky & clicky?
Help us keep climbing magic, for generations to come. Become a brand ambassador!
We are looking for climbers who are not only passionate about the sport and are crushing it, but also genuinely care for the environment and can help us spread our message: LESS CHALK, MORE GRIP!
Does this mean you can't use chalk anymore? No. We want you to help spread the message about sustainable chalk use: Use less chalk. Use the best chalk. And brush your holds.
We are looking for people who can help us spread this message first and promote our products second. We are not looking for the strongest climbers, but for the ones who care the most.
We don't do affiliate links, we don't do paid posts & we don't have social media requirements. What we do have is an amazing community of climbers who care. And to them, we offer the best deal on the best chalk in the world.
If you think you have what it takes to become part of our ambassador network, get in touch!