Website Update

We've got some updates to share about our website, chalkrebels.com. It's time to kick back, relax, and check out all the cool new stuff we've added. Just log in to your account at chalkrebels.com/account, and let's dive right in!

Here's what's waiting for you:

Count Those Trees: See Your Impact
You've been making a real difference with your orders, and now you can see the impact firsthand. Discover how many trees you've helped us plant, and give yourself a virtual high-five!

Chalking Up: Your Ultimate Guide
No more chalk mishaps! Inside your account, you'll find a link to our ultimate PDF guide on how to make the most of your chalk. From technique tips to grip optimization, this guide has got you covered. Get ready to level up your chalk game!

Have Your Say: Take Our Powder Chalk Survey
Your opinion matters! We want to hear what you think about our new powder chalk. Take a quick survey and let us know your thoughts. Together, we'll make our chalk even more amazing!

Psst... Calling all ambassadors! We've got some special perks waiting just for you. Log in to your account to enjoy exclusive ambassador prices and tips on how you can help us out.

Attention gyms and retailers! We've upgraded your account area too. Managing orders, invoices, and checking out our wholesale price list is now a breeze. We're here to support your business!

But wait, there's more! We've given our website a fresh new look. Our product pages are now richer and it’s easier to find the products on our site.

So, what are you waiting for? Log in now, explore the new features, and don’t forget: brush your holds!

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