Product Spotlight: Chalk Cream


Our liquid chalk cream was the first product we developed. We formulated our own version to be a little more creamy than other brands, resulting in a chalk that is easy to apply, does not separate in the bottle, and feels extra comfortable when applying.

We were actually planning to launch the CHALK REBELS brand with just this single product but COVID made us change our plans. With all the gyms closed we suddenly had many more months to further develop our products, so instead of going to market with a single one, we kept working on additional products. Ultimately, it is COVID that gave us the time to develop a full collection of skincare products for climbers.

This liquid Chalk Cream improves grip by reducing sweat and moisture. Climb stronger than ever with dry hands and a stronger grip. Guaranteed to reduce your use of messy chalk powder. Using less chalk means stronger skin for you, nicer rocks for everyone, and healthier lungs for all. Keep your gym and the rock pristine, use Chalk Cream!

Recommended for all skin types, this magnesium cream is a great alternative to traditional magnesium carbonate powder. The alcohol in this cream increases the drying power which means dryer hands and better performance!

Respect the environment and the climbers that come after you: use less chalk and avoid chalk powder. Use chalk cream or our 100% transparent Crystal Chalk instead! Brush the holds after you're done!

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